Learn to rewrite your childhood narratives: it starts here.
How can I help my tiny human process their emotions when I don’t know how to?
You can’t teach what you don’t know.
“I’m going to do it differently.”
You made this declaration when you were a tiny human, in response to the times adults made you feel uncomfortable showing your emotions, or used a punishment-reward system that didn’t make sense to you. You knew even then that you wanted something different.
Fast forward to the present, and you’re trying to figure out why you feel so angry when your kiddo doesn’t do what you ask. You’re struggling to understand why seeing your children fight gives you so much anxiety. Your emotions don’t always make sense to you, and mostly feel like unwanted interruptions in your busy life.
Helping your tiny human process their big emotions isn’t something you feel comfortable with because no one ever taught you how to process yours. You don’t subscribe to the same parenting methods you were raised with. But you also weren’t given the tools to know how to do something different.
Friends, so few of us were. We are all walking around with habits and patterns that were instilled in us as kiddos. We know we don’t want to repeat some of them, but we also don’t know anything else.
You can’t change what you don’t notice.
How would life be different if you were aware of the patterns and habits that you’ve carried since childhood?

Imagine a different scenario...
Imagine being able to respond to your tiny human’s emotions without anxiety or anger. How life-changing would it be to not feel triggered every time they have a tantrum?
Imagine being comfortable with your kiddo feeling sad because you are comfortable feeling sad, and you know how to hold that space for them, and for yourself.
What if you were able to come at this whole parenting adventure aware of your habits and patterns so you could heal those wounds and respond to triggers with intention, rather than reacting?
will help you do it.
Our brand new course is all about helping you build your own toolbox. Reparenting Your Adult Self will help you become aware of your patterns and habits, such as anxious reactions or stress responses, so you can develop the tools to respond with intention rather than reacting and ultimately, enjoy life more.
This course will teach you how to better process your own emotions so you can help have a healthier relationship with others and enjoy life more.
Learn to process emotions with concrete tools that meet you where you are.
What makes my method different is that it’s rooted in behavioral science and cutting edge research on emotional development. I co-created the CEP method to help kiddos and parents effectively integrate big feelings into a stronger sense of attachment and connection.
Now, I’m using that method and over 10 years’ experience doing emotion coaching to help others on their own reparenting journey. It Starts with You: Reparenting Your Adult Self is based on the tools that I used to build my own emotional toolbox—the tools that changed my life. You’ll build your toolbox and use these tools to create new patterns and narratives, strengthen your connection with others, and live a life you enjoy.
Learn to rewrite your narratives and respond with intention.
One of the most common questions I’ve gotten from folks is “How do I help my tiny humans process emotions when I don’t know how to process my own?” So few of us learned how to do this, much less help someone else on their journey. The good news is, it’s never too early or too late to start your reparenting journey. Reparenting Your Adult Self allows you to start fresh with powerful tools that I’ve built into easy-to-digest modules. Your reparenting journey starts here.

You are such an amazing speaker! So easy to understand through all of your experiences and stories and man I wish I lived in VT so I could get more in person with you! Becoming a mom just slayed me, despite being a very compassionate, empathetic caregiver personality with lots of experience with kids, it just brought me to my most basic, shitty version of myself and I feel like I’ve spent the last three years trying to figure out myself out and build myself back into the person that I want to be. I’ve become obsessed with Brene Brown and read and watch anything I can get my hands on about her and you are so similar in your perspectives, tiw as amazing!! And then you had so much that was just concrete here’s how you to this and man that was what I needed!
- Anon
Working with Alyssa undoubtedly changed my parenting journey. Being an early childhood educator, I’ve been well versed in the traditional ways of “disciplining” children. As a first time mama, I began realizing that something was missing; enter Seed & Sew. Following Alyssa on social media made me think, “this girl knows all the secrets!” I began working with her as a coaching client hoping to get simple tips and tricks for parenting my toddler. I came out of the coaching with perspective on my own triggers, my own upbringing, and the feelings I’d been unknowingly suppressing. Since our coaching, my toddler has made huge strides in recognizing emotions, navigating hard things, and finding peace and balance for herself. My journey is only just beginning, but I’m walking with steady feet because of Alyssa.
- Beki
Here’s what to expect.
Reparenting Your Adult Self will help you become aware of the patterns and habits you’ve carried since childhood so you can begin to rewrite them. You’ll gain a clear framework for healing wounds, processing your emotions, and applying these tools to live a life you enjoy. As you learn how your childhood affects who you are as an adult, you’ll build awareness of your thought patterns and habits and develop the tools to respond with intention rather than reacting.

Since everyone is coming to the table with different experiences, this course meets you right where you are so you can do your own healing and start to build a better connection with others. You’ll learn how to create, set, and hold boundaries with other adults in your life. People pleasing tendencies will become a thing of the past as you learn to be okay with other people’s hard feelings.
You can’t fully hold space for others without first holding space for yours, and few of us came into adulthood equipped to do it. If you’re a parent, learning these tools will be especially important as you work toward guiding your kiddos toward emotionally intelligent behaviors. To show up for others, we have to first build our own toolbox. This course teaches you how.

It Starts With You: Reparenting Your Adult Self gives you access to my one-on-one coaching, at half the price. Along with the video lessons you’ll get a downloadable workbook that you can use as you need for years to come.
Understand how your childhood affects who you are as an adult
Build awareness of your thought patterns and habits, such as anxious reactions or stress responses, and develop the tools to respond with intention rather than reacting
Move from people pleasing to being okay with people’s hard feelings
Create, set, and hold boundaries with other adults in your life
Learn how to release the desire to control others’ actions in order for you to feel regulated
Build the tools to self-regulate, rewrite patterns and narratives, and live a life you enjoy
Gain a clear framework for healing wounds, processing your emotions, and applying these tools to live a life you enjoy
And thank you for another lovely evening last night of learning more about toddlerhood and how to best support my son. it has been SO helpful and I come home and just unload everything on to my husband and after that conversation we both feel like a more united team with more tools instead of two folks scrambling in the dark. Thank you! Looking forward to next month.
- Anonymous
That little boy felt safe enough to turn to his mama. His mama was regulated enough to support him. She was also able to regulate enough to find added support for him that didn’t jeopardize his privacy. YOU ARE CRUSHING THIS WHOLE PARENTING THING...and now I’m crying tears of joy and gratitude for this village.
- Anonymous
Alyssa!! I want to hug you so hard. My husband is having some major breakthroughs since yesterday. Today he looks at me and says “I’m just going to take a minute. I know it's not F____’s job to calm down for me and it's all a bit much. Can you take over?” He left, regulated, came back and helped our little girl with some very big emotions.
- Anonymous

Bonus Alert!
If you purchase Reparenting Yourself, you have the option to bundle it with our brand new course, Tiny Humans Big Emotions.

And If You're Not 100% Satisfied... Neither Am I.
If for some reason you are unhappy with the course, rest assured you can access my 30-day money-back guarantee.
In case you’re new to the village, hi, I’m Alyssa!
I’m an emotional development expert, small town Vermonter, podcaster, and someone who saved my own life through the very emotional intelligence skills you’ll learn in this course. For years I stuffed my feelings until I learned to process my emotions again in a healthy way, and I’ve seen the transformative power of this work in the lives of families just like yours. I pinch myself on the daily because I truly believe I have the best job here: sharing with committed parents and caregivers like you the tools that helped me live fully again.

Are we a fit?

Who is this course for?
Who shouldn’t take this course?
Do I have to be a parent to take this course?
But what if I don’t have any wounds or trauma to deal with?
Can we really heal old wounds? I’ve been carrying this around for a long time.
What about when there isn’t a psychological reason for something?
But it could just be that anxiety is part of who I am, right?
How long will I have access to the course?
Don’t let another month go by before you start your reparenting journey.
Wouldn’t it be amazing to get up every day no longer caught up in anxiety and fear? Wouldn’t it be a game changer to understand your emotions and where they’re coming from, rather than always feeling like they’re calling the shots?
What if you could see these changes, say, next week?
When you start the Reparenting course, you will start to see changes in as little as one week. Every journey is different, and yours will have its own course. As soon as you start putting these tools to use, though, you will start to see the shift.
Now is the time to start your reparenting journey and heal.
It’s time..
Friend, let’s rewrite the narrative that told us crying isn’t ok, that told us there isn’t space for our big emotions.
Even if you never had someone you could break down to growing up, even if you never felt like it was okay to express yourself, there’s still time to change those patterns and learn to self regulate so you can enjoy your life, and help your kids do the same.
Reparenting Your Adult Self will help you do it. Let’s start this healing journey!