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00:00:00 Alyssa
You're listening to Voices of Your Village. This is episode 184. In this episode, I am diving into when to discuss the behavior with kiddos. So often, when it comes to behavior, we have this inclination to step in and talk about it right then. What they can do, what they can't do, what they're supposed to do, what they're not supposed to do etcetera, because we have these underlying fears of, if we don't talk about it right now, they'll think this is okay, if I don't address this, am I encouraging it to happen again? We're diving into all of that in this episode because the reality is, in the moment is the worst time to discuss the behavior. So...
00:00:01 Alyssa
You're listening to Voices of Your Village, this is episode 183. I got to hang out with one of my favorite humans, our go to occupational therapist Lori Goodrich. You've heard Lori on episode four, where we talked about an overview of the sensory systems and then she joined me in our Village Membership for an expert Q&A where our village members got to pop in all of their questions about sensory regulation and how it relates to their kiddos or in their household. We went through all the questions. It was super fun to hang out with Lori and our village members. And I wanted to give you a snapshot because there were so many nuggets in this Q&A,...
00:00:00 Alyssa
You're listening to Voices of Your Village. This is episode 182. In this episode I got to hang out with Speech Language Pathologist Emily Lesher and we were chatting about the phrase, "use your words" and why it's not helpful to say to tiny humans in the moment when they're upset when their dysregulated and what else we can do. Emily does incredible work at this organization in Massachusetts where occupational therapists are working together with Speech Language Pathologists. The cool part about this is that then SLP's, Speech Language Pathologists are taking into account sensory regulation and then nervous system regulation when they're working on...
00:00:00 Alyssa
You're listening to Voices of Your Village. This is episode 181. I got to hang out with Steve Disselhorst to talk about diversity and inclusion in kids schools, Steve has done work around diversity and inclusion for years and was such a joy to hang out with. He is a dad to two tiny humans and has shared in this interview with me what he has done to support his kiddos schools with diversifying their bookshelves or making sure that their curriculum is inclusive. There's so many little gems in here and so much that you can bring to your kiddos school so that we're making sure that their education and what they're exposed to at school is inclusive of all...
00:00:01 Alyssa
You're listening to Voices of Your Village. This is episode 180. In this episode, I'm diving into how to build emotional intelligence in infants and toddlers. So often we get questions about what if they're not verbal yet or they can't tell me how they're feeling it. How does this look to start with our younger kiddos? This episode is for you, if those are questions that you have, when we researched the CEP method, we researched it with kiddos birth to five and I was teaching infant toddler at the time, my kiddos were primarily toddlers, 1 to 2, and I have been doing this work with kiddos from the get-go from birth, through toddlerhood into...
00:00:00 Alyssa
You're listening to Voices of Your Village. This is episode 179. In this episode, I got to hang out with Dr. Rashmi Bismark, you might know her book Finding Om, it's a kids book that I love. We chatted about mindfulness in the tiny humans and how to support this. And what does this look like, I feel like it's real 'buzzwordy' word these days. And so, we broke it down and looked at how to truly cultivate mindfulness and support kiddos with these tools, it was like a hanging out with an old pal. She was so fun to chat with and really in alignment with our approach here at Seed, and bringing awareness to our everyday life, slowing down and noticing. And...
0:00:00 Alyssa
You're listening to Voices of Your Village, this is episode 178. This is a rebroadcast of episode 113. If this past year, 15 months has taught us anything. It's how little we are actually in control. Yet we often are trying to assert control to feel safe when we feel out of control, we feel unsafe, and most of us live with this illusion that we can control all the things. When I originally recorded this episode, it was pre-Covid. And I think it's more important now than ever. As we've all had a light shine on how little we do control and what we can and cannot control and what it means to relinquish that desire for control and allow for the...
00:00:00 Alyssa
You're listening to Voices of Your Village. This is episode 177. I got to hang out with my friend. Mr. Chazz. We met over on Instagram and it was so fun to get to hang out and have a real conversation. We dove into extrinsic versus intrinsic motivation and what this looks like to build intrinsic motivation with the tiny humans. I love how Mr. Chazz keeps it real about what the real world looks like. And the fact that there is extrinsic motivators all around us, we see rewards all around us and how this plays out in our work with the tiny humans, do me a favor. When you're tuning in, will you at take a screenshot and share it over on Instagram? Let me...
You're listening to Voices of Your Village. This is episode 176. It is a rebroadcast of episode 78. I used to go through life ridden with anxiety, right? So I would start to have an anxiety attack and then I would tap into a coping mechanism. For me, it was often like organizing or creating my to-do list or checking things off my to-do list or going shopping, hello Target, or Amazon. I can fill a cart like it's nobody's business. I sometimes scroll through my phone, just like, distract myself from it, what I wanted was to make sure that I was just going to stop feeling a little. Right. And I would tell myself like oh if I did this thing, I would feel better than I would have...
00:00:00 Alyssa
You're listening to Voices of Your Village. This is episode 175. What a joy this episode was, I got to hang out with my friend Keegan to talk about navigating respectful parenting as a dad. One thing that we have found in doing this work is that so often the folks coming to the table to have these conversations are moms and in this episode we're talking about dads and it's a pretty heteronormative conversation. I want to be really clear about that going in. We talked about the differences that Dad's face in respectful parenting in hetero relationships. I think it's really important for us to have specific conversations about certain groups of...
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