Voices of Your Village

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When Multiple Kids Need Support

159 - When multiple kids need support final

00:00:01    Alyssa

You're listening to Voices of Your Village. This is episode 159. So often folks reach out and they're like this sounds great. If you have, like, one kid and you can devote all your attention and time to them to respond and all that jazz, but what do you do when multiple kiddos need your support? That's what so much of this work has looked like in practice for me. It's very rare that I have had one child where I can devote my time and energy to; most of this practice for me has been in a setting where I have seven infants or nine toddlers or 18 preschoolers or multiple kids in a home of different ages and stages. So...

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Overcoming Perfectionism


 00:00:01    Alyssa

You're listening to Voices of Your Village. This is episode 158. In this episode I got to hang out with Dr. Jean Chang, a psychologist out of Singapore and we are diving in to overcoming perfectionism. We break down what it really is and what it stems from and consequently, like, what do you do from there? Where do you go from there? I don't know about you, but this was something that has come up in my life a lot and something I've had to do a lot of work around. It's something we talk about on the seed team a whole bunch that we couldn't put work out into the world and support you and walk alongside you on this journey if we were waiting until...

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Holding Space for Big Feelings


00:00:00    Alyssa

You're listening to Voices of Your Village. This is episode 157. Today, we're diving into what it looks like to hold space for those big feelings. We've been getting questions about this: what do you mean by holding space, Alyssa? How do I actually do that? In today's episode we're going to dive into just that. I'm going to give you an outline of what it means to hold space for somebody's feelings and what it doesn't look like but before we dive in have you signed up for a webinar yet? We had our first webinar on Tuesday and our next one is tonight! Then we have a webinar coming next week on Sunday, Monday and Wednesday, where we're diving into...

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Self-Reg with Dr. Shanker


00:00:00    Alyssa

You're listening to Voices of Your Village. This is episode 156. Oh my gosh, what a dream it is for me to bring this episode to you. I got to hang out with someone that I have such deep respect for; whose work I have followed for a while and who has been such an influence in my work and the work that we get to do together. Dr. Stuart Shanker the author of one of my favorite books of all time, in fact the only adult book on the holiday gift guide: "Self Reg: How to Help Your Child and You Break the Stress Cycle and Successfully Engage with Life". Dr. Shanker is Canada's leading expert in the psycho-physiological theory of self-regulation. You know...

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REBROADCAST - Boundaries with Kids


00:00:01    Alyssa

You're listening to Voices of Your Village. This is episode 155. In this episode, we are sharing a snapshot into the Tiny Humans Big Emotions course with you. This portion is all about boundaries. We get so many questions about what it looks like to set boundaries with kids, to hold them, what if they say no to both choices, what do you do? How do you structure boundaries so that you can be in collaboration with your kiddos, rather than in conflict. Before we dive in,  I wanted to let you know about a free challenge that we're doing! We're doing a five day challenge; we heard from you loud and clear after our December workshop on re-parenting that...

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Building Resiliency in Kids


00:00:00    Alyssa

You're listening to Voices of Your Village. This is episode 154 in this episode. Dr. Smita Malhotra, a pediatrician, and I got to dive into building resiliency in kiddos. What a year for building resiliency. I feel like we've all had so much practice over the last year and as we head into 2021 here, I want to look at how do we take challenges from "I didn't get the cup I wanted" or "I'm frustrated as I'm trying to do my schoolwork" to "I can't see my friends or go to school in the way that I used to", how do we take those things and navigate them and work through them and come out the other side resilient. Dr. Smita has a practice in California,...

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Ask Us Anything About Parenthood

voices of your village Dec 31, 2020

153 - Q&A with Alyssa and Zach

00:00:01    Speaker 1: 

You're listening to Voices of Your Village. This is episode 153. What a fun episode to record! You guys have been requesting an episode with Zach and I, just an ask us anything episode and a lot of the questions that came up were about our relationship and also about parenthood and I had such a blast it was so fun, Zach was so nervous. It was adorable. He's used to being behind the scenes, you know. But we just got to hang out,  you get to hear a snapshot into who we are and what it looked like to kind of get here. We talked about how it wasn't always like this and at this point we have a pretty good flow...

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Gender Norms and Stereotypes with Dr. Nadine Thornhill

voices of your village Dec 17, 2020


151 - Gender norms and stereotypes with Dr. Nadine Thornhill

00:00:01    Speaker 1: 

You're listening to Voices of Your Village, this is episode 151. I got to hang out with Dr. Nadine Thornhill to talk about gender norms and stereotypes and how these play out not just in the short term, not just in early childhood, but how it plays out in the long term in terms of how we show up in relationships how we show up at work etc. And what we can do to be supportive, and mindful as we are raising these tiny humans and getting to know who they are. So many of us have biases that we are bringing to the table that come from our social programming and our childhood that we can...

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Talking to Kids About Death

voices of your village Dec 10, 2020

You're listening to Voices of Your Village. This is episode 150. Today we're diving into how to talk to kids about death. We had a bunch of these questions coming up in our Facebook group, from animals to people and how to navigate this conversation. What's appropriate at different ages and stages So today, we're going to dive into that jazz. This is a topic that is often very heavy for adults and tends to not be as heavy for kids because they have a whole different social context around what death means both in the short-term and the long-term. You know, the long-term for us is totally different. Our cognitive function allows us to project and predict things down the road that we might...

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Burnout in Parenthood with Anne Helen Peterson

voices of your village Dec 03, 2020

Happy podcast Thursday and welcome to episode 149 of Voices of Your Village! For this interview I got to hangout with Anne Helen Petersen and she was a real delight to chat with. I had such a fun time, we dove into burnout in parenthood: what it really looks like, what is really at the center of it, and what does it look like to move forward through it?


“How do we move from the culture of burnout that so many of us are living in into something that looks more balanced?”


We talk about systemic issues that feed into burnout and we know that burnout is so high right now in this season where so many of us have had our villages striped away due to Covid. We talk...

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